Together we can save Wagner Farm

Open space

Our Mission

  • Save Wagner Farm
  • Preserve Open Space in Warren

As residents of Warren Township, we love open space. But development is threatening too much of it, especially ecologically sensitive land. Over 10 acres of Wagner Farm open space will soon be replaced by a residential complex of seven buildings, a sewer plant and massive regrading/fill unless you help us stop it.

The township purchased Wagner Farm for the purpose of conservation, ecological protection, and open space and recreation. But that has been ignored by the Township Committee and Planning Board by approving development on Wagner Farm! Please take action now to stop this unwise development. You can

Wagner Farm is enjoyed by area residents, gardeners, birders, canoers, astronomers and outdoor enthusiasts. Much of this enjoyment will be lost if we don’t act now. Along with an important Warren landmark.

We Care & You Should Too

Warren construction

Rapidly shrinking Open space in NJ (and Warren)

Wagner Farm purchased as Open Space

Water runoff

Environmental Impacts not Addressed

Proposed Housing Development

Warren Needs More Green, Open Space

You can help

How You Can Help

Donate. Legal challenges to Wagner Farm development have a good probability of success. But they require funding. Please donate what you can today.

Write or call NJ DEP. Development on Wagner Farm requires permits from NJ DEP. Let them know you are opposed. Details here.

Join Us. We are a group of your neighbors volunteering to help Warren Township preserve open space.

Actions to Date

Organize Conservation Warren

Organized Conservation Warren

Environment Study

Environmental Studies


Challenges to DEP Permits

Somerset county courthouse

Legal Complaints


Wagner Farm is an integral part of Warren’s history for more than 100 years. It is the largest green space in Warren Township and needs your help to keep it that way.

If you have questions or need more information, please contact us!

Who We Are

We are your Warren Neighbors concerned about losing open

We are especially concerned about Warren’s largest open space: the former Wagner Farm.

George Vetter has led legal and other efforts to stop development on Wagner Farm. We are doing everything we can to help. We hope you will too.

Our Gallery

Wagner Farm is one of few spaces in Warren, and certainly the largest, with open vistas, open skies and green space. It is also habitat for many forms of wildlife, birds, and plants, including endangered species. Please help us keep it undeveloped!