How you can help

Wagner Farm GoFundMe


Everyone can help Save Wagner Farm and help preserve Warren Township’s open space and ecologically sensitive lands.

The most important step right now is to donate what you can afford. All GoFundMe donations support legal challenges to Wagner Farm development. Funds not used for that purpose will be donated to charity, most likely Wagner Farm Arboretum.

Facebook Group


Join our Facebook Group.

Make a difference

You Can Make a Difference

We believe our legal challenges have a very good chance of success (see Legal Actions). In addition, with your help, we can apply pressure on the developers and the Township to move the proposed development elsewhere in town.

Farm Field
NJ DEP Postcard

Mail or Call NJ DEP

Please email, call and/or write to NJ DEP and object to PI Number 1820-21-0005.1. Phone number 609-633-6563. Preprinted postcards available: email to get yours. Suggested language:

Save Wagner Farm: Block 83, Lot 4, 188 Mountain Ave, Warren, NJ 07059

“This is a formal objection to granting a Freshwater Wetlands Permit and all other DEP permits being considered for this parcel.”

Spread the Word

Spread the Word

Explain to your neighbors and friends why development on Wagner Farm must stop. Are you part of a local organization? Get them involved or contact us for a speaker and/or information.

Creative Ideas

Other Ideas?

Have some creative solutions? Other ways to help? Let us know in the form below or email