About Us

Who Are We

We are a group of your neighbors in Warren Township. Most of us have lived here for years, some are newer. Some of us live on Mountain Avenue near the former Wagner Farm. All of us strongly believe it is critical to Save Wagner Farm from development and encourage preservation of Warren Township’s open space and ecologically sensitive lands.

Actions to Date









We gathered at Wagner Farm last summer to begin developing positions to be presented to the Planning Board. Many of us sat through the long Planning Board sessions and raised questions of the developers and their experts. We raised enough money to have an attorney (Bruce Afran) represent our concerns at the Planning Board and to bring in two of our own experts. George Vetter is to be commended for getting this effort started and for taking the lead with the attorney.

We have put up the yellow “Save Wagner’s Farm from Development” signs that you see in our yards all over town.

Save Wagner Farm sign

Now we are mobilizing to raise money to fund successful legal challenges to the rulings of the Planning Board and the Township Committee. In addition, we have raised a number of serious issues with the New Jersey DEP regarding the permit requested by the developers.

Please join us by donating to our GoFundMe and sign up to help on our How You Can Help page.

If you have questions, please email info@SaveWagnerFarm.com


Of course, a natural question is, “Can legal challenges stop this development?” While no one knows the answer for sure, there is a good probability of success. And our efforts will surely delay the project significantly.

At this point, it is important to point out that our efforts are

  • Not opposed to building special needs housing in Warren
  • Not opposed to, or trying to undermine, the Township’s affordable housing commitments

Our focus is to Save Wagner Farm and to protect similar open space and ecologically sensitive lands from development.

Save Wagner Farm sign
Lot to be developed
Sunset on Wagner Farm
Working Farm until 2001
Proposed Housing Development